viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013

Who I am... By Claudia Luna

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy... Quote from Hamlet 

I only path to victory. I don't hesitate or doubt because, even when is not an easy way, even when is full of, often confusing crossroads, and sometimes, almost impossible  high hills to climb, I trust God... I trust myself. 

I will never quit my path. I may fall many times along the way. But I will always pick myself up, dust myself off, and keep walking, with the conviction that I will succeed, or die trying. 

I have no time for explanations to those around that don't understand my reasons. And since I am immune to criticism as well as flattering, I do not care for approval. The only approval I need, is from my conscience when I go to sleep at night, and the face I confront in the mirror every morning when the day starts. 
 That my friends, is hard enough to deal with, to additionally,  put ourselves in such a jeopardy of trying to please others. 

I only make myself fundamental questions. How should I live..? What's my propose in life..? What do I really want..? How can I love more..? 
I don't go through life as a reckless individual that can't  measure the precious value of being alive. The huge responsibility of surviving even one more day, when others, maybe better than us, couldn't make it...

I only ask myself questions which answers are going to improve my way of living. I don't hang out with shallow people, reject frivolous, not time to waist. I share my spiritual mission with all, open my hands to help all, but the ones that can't appreciate it, I leave aside, and keep moving, with out resentment. 

I do not stay where I am not happy. 
And that includes not only strangers, but sometimes friends and family. 

Since my past hasn't been easy and my future remains still uncertain, that leaves me no other choice than to live today. And I live with an inner voice always whispering in my ears: "You're going to die", not for a day, not for a season, but forever...

In front of that naked truth, I focus on  what really matters, and let go the useless. 

Even when I have an immortal soul. My time here, in this body in this space and time, is measure. So I will squeeze it trying to get the best of it. 
Later will see about heaven and hell, religions, philosophies, etc. Now all I have is me here, in this container... 

When I feel too important. I remember Sagan and that video about the earth being a small point, viewed from the space. 
When I feel too small, I remember we are not dust, but magic.

And trying to balance both, I go day by day living the maximum.

I laugh a lot, mostly at myself. I don't take anything so seriously.  Humor is the ultimate relaxation method. I laugh so hard... Even to this writing. 

I don't fight to win the truth. You can have it! Is yours! ...

I don't fight to have the reason, my reason maybe not your reason. And that's ok !!

I don't fight. Period! 

I am easy going. I just don't care! 
I like not controlling, the uncertain, doesn't scares me. Is so little what we really control, that feels stupid trying to know it all... 

And I believe in love. Not as a childish crash or as a spiritual "I love you all" mode. 

I believe in love as the greatest conquest, the ultimate truth of humanity, as a miracle, as a reward for the strong...

 And my love is deep, passionate, sexy, profound and yet easy and funny... 
And that to me, folks, is what life is about. We have been created to be together, there isn't pleasure in loneliness. You can learn in solitude, you can get wiser, but if you not share you don't enjoy... 

So my heart is open. Even to the risk of broken it. I will not preserve myself of being hurt, by quitting to the adventure of loving... 
I will give and give and give. And my soul will expand !! Hopefully I will be loved in return. 

No more to say, just thank you and good fortune!! And I will find you now and then, to  celebrate  life... 

Claudia Luna 





miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013

Coffee, dreams and Work. By Claudia Luna

In the only place "Success" comes first than "Work , is in the dictionary...

5 am ...House in silent... Best time to think.. 
A cup of colombian home made coffee on my night table, and still with the taste of the last dream, but not clearly remembered. 

The eco of a word, woke me up... four letters of one of the most used vocables ever, so full of content and that triggers a different emotion or "motion"in each of us, according to how we are related to it... "Work".

Happiness when you are passionate about it, when you do what you love... 
Disenchantment when is just what you got to do, in order to pay the bills... 

For living or for survival, you Work... 

And in any case the point, the conclusion, leads to the same. Nothing can be accomplished without It.
So my suggestion, as much as I dislike advises, would be... Get out there and get your work done. To change the present you don't like, to built the future of your dreams, to change the world - or your world at least- or simply just to enjoy your passion... To create. 

Work hard and remember: In the only place Success is before Work is in the dictionary... 

Put on your best shirt, wear your best smile... Enjoy  your work, nothing builds better your character... You are alive, one more day, one more chance... Create your destiny

Claudia Luna 

lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

William Ernest Henley

domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013

Plan B . The great deceiver.

I don't have a plan B. It distracts me from plan A. Will Smith 

One of the problems  of our century is to manage"Time"...

There are too many options. The road diverts in so many ways that gets confusing without the certainty of where you are headed.

That's why I don't believe in  having plans B. You lose focus and end up jumping only with a safe net waiting to catch you in case of failure in the "jump". 

Of course is terrifying leaping in the unknown... With so many probable outcomes.
But you know the saying... "Not risk, no gain"... 

There is a great amount of magic in the secret geometry of chance, and commitment in your idea, is all you need to trigger the stream of events that will lead you to success. 

Conmitment is not the heavy burdened word you think. Is your warrent card... Is the tool that will help you to keep focus, and focus  lead to  consistency and this to achievement. 

Plus only when you are embedded in your idea, you are present, you can see it fully, you respect it. 

So... Time is priceless. Commit, focus, act... 

Claudia Luna 

viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013

There is a Mission inside a Vision... By Claudia Luna

Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality...

If you are a visionary, the one capable to see beyond the horizon line, to climb the mountains, to the top, just to have a better view of the world, and instead of doing something better with all that passion, you just use it to feed your ego, you are as useless as the mediocre man, that decide to stay inside the box.

There is a mission inside the vision. 
Your duty is to find it. 

Do something better... I will help. 

Claudia Luna 

lunes, 12 de agosto de 2013

The psychology of the decision making, creative and innovative thinking

What impulse us to more..?
Why are we not fulfill just by accepting thing as they are..? 
The reasons behind the bold, scares the conformist. The creative urge of the artist inside all of us, wins the battle against the man inside the box. Should I stay or should I go..? Doors are open. Inviting you to change your vision, to create your outcome or re- create your today... 

Claudia Moon 

Missing Miracles... Perdiendo Milagros

Use your imagination. Also remember that things are seldom what them seem, but they are always as you see them... Clear your sight, otherwise you will keep missing miracles. 

It seems sometimes we search just for the fun of searching. We act like if we really don't know what to do if we really find what we are looking for... To attain it  often appears  overwhelming, as if we need the drama of the lost. Missing something, even  when generates anguish and pain, make us feel more comfortable than having it all.

I witness daily how people chose pain over happiness. As crazy as it sounds. Self boycott. Why..?

Maybe the thing is we need punishment to quiet the guilt over past mistakes. We don't think we deserve the prize of joy..? 

Who knows the exact mechanics of our mind... 
Happiness is a choice. Will always be your decision. Up to you... 

Claudia Moon 
Usa tu imaginación. También recuerda que las cosas son rara vez lo que parecen, pero siempre son como las vemos... Clarifica tu vista, de otra forma seguirás perdiendo milagros...  

Parece que a veces buscamos solo por la diversión de buscar. Actuamos como si  no sabríamos que hacer si realmente encontramos lo que buscamos. Obtenerlo parece a veces abrumador, es como si necesitáramos el drama de la perdida. Que te falte algo, incluso cuando genera angustia y pena, nos hace sentir mas cómodo que tenerlo todo. 

Presencio diariamente como la gente prefiere el dolor a la felicidad. Tan loco como esto parece. Auto boicot..? Por que?

Quizás necesitamos castigarnos para pagar la culpa de errores pasados. No creemos merecer el premio de la gloria..? 

Quien sabe la mecánica exacta de la mente... La felicidad es siempre una elección. Será siempre tu decisión. Queda en vos... 

Claudia Moon

viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013

From the Skin to the heart... De la piel al Corazón

There is a path from the skin to the heart that doesn't go through the reason... But when it goes through the reason, when it is a conscious decision, then is the truth made magic 

Hay un camino desde la piel hasta el corazón que no pasa a través de la razón ... Pero cuando se pasa a través de la razón, cuando se trata de una decisión consciente, entonces es la verdad hecha magia

Claudia Luna

Y el miedo le dio lugar a la curiosidad... By Claudia Luna

Se feliz en el instante y ese instante será tu propia vida  Solo tu fuego interior te impulsa a volar. Si lo apagas, tu vida no tendrá senti...